3 Most Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth Effectively - Fast and Safe Teeth Whitening Tips

The teeth is usually bright and white when we are young and don't smoke or eat teeth staining foods, but as we grow older and learn to smoke and eat a variety of foods that can and do stain the teeth, we find our teeth, slowly but surely getting discolored. It can also get discolored through chemicals like tetracycline or too much fluoride exposure. But even as there are many causes to teeth discoloration so does natural ways to whiten teeth vary as well. So if you want to whiten your teeth easily, let us count the ways.

First, if you have the money for it, you can go to the dentist office and undergo several procedures like laser assisted techniques or teeth bleaching that can give you instant results. You can also use take home teeth whitening kits that can be just as effective as when you go to a dentist, although this procedures will not be cheap.

Secondly, there are also cheaper and more natural ways you can whiten your teeth, and they can be very effective as well. Here are 3 basic ways you can do to whiten your teeth.

Baking Soda and Strawberry Treatment

Just mix ripe strawberries with baking soda, remember baking soda not baking powder, and gently brush your teeth with the mixture. Ensure that the strawberries are mashed thoroughly. Also, do only gentle motions on your teeth, since baking soda is an abrasive, you can damage the enamel of the teeth if you brush vigorously. After application of this baking soda and strawberry mixture, you can finish the treatment up by brushing with your favorite toothpaste.

Baking Soda and Salt Treatment

You can also use salt instead of strawberries as your mixture with baking soda, follow the same steps as with the strawberry. This mixture also allows for easily removable of dirt and stain in the teeth most especially those caused by foods like coffee, red wine and tea.

Floss Regularly

Most of us take flossing for granted but regularly flossing the teeth is really better than brushing alone, because flossing allows for imbedded dirt to be removed from the teeth. Dirt that cannot be removed by brushing can be removed by flossing which makes for cleaner, whiter teeth in the end. Try flossing regularly and you will see good results.

These are just some of the natural ways to whiten teeth, they are effective and are cost effective as well. Try them out and you will soon be flashing that million dollar smile!

Also Pay Close Attention To This: What I am about to share with you is a secret white teeth whitening system that no one will ever share with you. This secret will make you whiten your teeth in as little as 3 days in 3 simple steps! If you truly desire to have your white bright smile that you will be proud of then I Strongly Urge You To Read The Next Page. It may well be The Most Important Message You Ever See. Follow This Link - Secret Whitening System.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Casey_Gentles

Bad Breath and How to Deal With It

The medical term for bad breath is Halitosis, and everybody at some time or another has or will suffer from it, whether it be because of poor dental hygiene or have eaten a particular foodstuff such as onions and garlic. Generally a bad breath problem relating to these types of foods, if you have a good regular teeth care routine, will clear up without a need for treatment due to your body breaking it down and removing it naturally.

If you do neglect your teeth and gums, bacteria will build up inside your mouth, left untreated then it is likely you will have bad breath and therefore you will need to do something about it. Having a dry mouth either through exercise, lack of fluid, stress can also contribute to having bad breath.

There are many products on the market which say they help eliminate a bad breath problem, such as mouthwashes, sprays, chewing gums and mint sweets. These merely mask the odour, not cure it. First of all visit your dentist to get his opinion, after all he is the professional and will tell you what is best for your teeth and gums. When he checks your mouth he will be able to tell you if the odour is because of your dental health or another factor has contributed to it. If it is a dental issue he/she can either treat it or advise you of another method. If not dental related they could refer you to your GP. Bad breath can signal other health issues, so it does need to be taken seriously.

But at the end of the day looking after your teeth is the key, to eliminate the threat of bad breath, brush your teeth after eating foods such as meat, spicy foods, fish, cheese, garlic and onions. In general you should brush your teeth twice a day, floss regularly and use a good mouthwash. Of course no one intentionally wants to have bad breath, if you do it can affect your self confidence and can be very embarrassing. But it should not be, look after your teeth and gums.

It is easy to neglect your teeth, but just because we all lead busy lifestyles it does not mean that we should. If you want nice white teeth, without the toothaches and bad breath then spend that few minutes a day brushing and looking after them.

For more advice on how to look after your teeth and gums visit http://lookingafteryourteeth.blogspot.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Samuel_J_James